Taughannock Falls

Taughannock Falls
from: althouse.blogspot.com

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Karl Rove, mastermind

"the most powerful people in the land appear to have acted as covert agents against their own country, manufactured evidence to deceive a great democracy into a hopeless war, committed the crime of lying to the US congress and an investigating grand jury, and cost the lives of young people from America, the UK, Spain, Italy, Australia, Iraq, and numerous Arab nations. The law and democracy are in great peril." The words of Jim Moore, published in the Sunday Independent of London, 8/13/2006 are a powerful indictment. Yet if we allow Rove to steal another election, the world beyond our shores will rightly begin to question if we are still a free democracy. Please, dear readers, don't underestimate Rove & Company-- they've stolen two already-- our extreme vigilance is required to make 2008 a fair election year.

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