Taughannock Falls

Taughannock Falls
from: althouse.blogspot.com

Thursday, May 24, 2007

58 Arabic translators fired by military

And now this!! A small group of capable Arabic language specialists are decimated by "don't ask, don't tell." Amazing to think that if the ancient Greeks were as narrow-minded as some of today's Pentagon brass, Alexander the Great would never have led an army.


Anonymous said...

Lolita Baldor's article for the AP is shocking. The first paragraph puts it neatly-- "Lawmakers who say the military has kicked out 58 Arabic language experts because they were gay want the Pentagon to explain how it can afford to let the valuable specialists go." The Pentagon will never explain this idiocy to my satisfaction!

Anonymous said...

Fer cryin' out loud! Let's invade a country with no plan on how to settle it down after toppling the old regime. Then, just to make sure things remain "fubar" as long as possible let's greatly reduce a precious resource we desperately need to restore Iraq. I mean, WTF?!?