Taughannock Falls

Taughannock Falls
from: althouse.blogspot.com

Monday, December 17, 2007

From the Chris Dodd political blog:

Constitution Protected... For Now

posted by Matt Browner-Hamlin, Campaign Blogger on December 17, 2007 - 7:48pm

Majority Leader Harry Reid has just pulled the FISA bill from consideration in this session. It will be brought up at some point next month.
Without Senator Dodd's leadership today, it is safe to assume that retroactive immunity would have passed.
This is a great victory for the American people. His outspoken opposition to retroactive immunity and the Intelligence Committee's FISA bill made it impossible to move forward now. From a process standpoint, that took the persistent shadow of a Dodd filibuster on this legislative process, a "hold" against any legislation that included retroactive immunity, and today, a refusal to grant unanimous consent to rules of debate that would have made it harder to strip retroactive immunity from the Intel Committee's bill through the Dodd-Feingold Amendment. He brought along some of the Senate's most passionate voices -- Senator's Feingold, Kennedy, Boxer, Wyden, Brown and Bill Nelson joined him to stand up to the President today.
Throughout the day Senator Dodd stood on the Senate floor and spoke out against the Bush administration's abuse of executive powers. He spoke out against granting retroactive immunity for telecom companies who helped the Bush administration spy on Americans without warrant - noting that if we grant immunity now, we may never know the full extent of what happened behind closed doors and what arguments were used to justify warrantless surveillance.
For now, the FISA debate is over. It will come up again down the road, but for now everyone who supported Senator Dodd's leadership against retroactive immunity and supported his promise to filibuster should be proud of their work to defend the Constitution and the rule of law...

This is truly a historic moment, we all owe Senator Dodd a debt of gratitude. Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty!! This is a moment to be savored, a time when big-money interests found unexpected resistance from a man who stood by his principles. The big-money interests will be flooding through the halls of power again tomorrow, make no mistake. Yet maybe this one instance of bravery will stiffen the spines of others on Capitol Hill-- and give them the courage needed to do the people's work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go Chris Dodd!! Score one for the good guys!